Download Prospectus

Why should you apply?

Paradigm shifts in humanity begins with individual self-transformation.

Our programme addresses those who want to see change happen globally without violence or imposition – emerging from within – and understand that this involves work on self.

At our school, energy dynamics and theory are taught in a practical and personal experiential way, offering methods that can be applied to your daily life to develop fine perception and flexible sensitivity. This allows you to view the world differently not just from another angle because it is suggested, but because your inner reality demands it.

When your perception expands, new solutions come to light. ‍

When you embark on this programme, Inner Alchemy becomes a way of life. You find yourself supported by a posture of constant self-observation and self-discipline.

If this resonates with you, we invite you to apply for a place on our programme.

The benefits of Inner Alchemy

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some answers to the most frequently asked questions about studying at Zulma
Reyo School of Consciousness.

Does the course allow me to continue to work in my current profession?

Absolutely, the course is designed to fit in with your work and family life. However, we do expect
you to commit to:

Year 1: 4 modules of 4 days each and a 15-day intensive retreat.

Year 2: 4 modules of 4 days each and a 15-day intensive retreat.

Year 3: 2 modules of 5 days each and two 10-day intensive retreats spread over the year, with time
to work on specialisation and an oral thesis.

Year 4: Two 10-day intensive retreatsYear 5: Two 10-day intensive retreats.

The commitment called for involves determination to apply and explore new ways of perceiving and
interacting in between modules, applied in daily life.

How will I be supported during the course?

You will have full access and support from the ZRSOC team throughout the programme. Your
progress and development will be supervised by the team throughout your journey. Each person is
assigned to a tutor.

How many people are there in each cohort?

40 on average.

Do I need to have had previous training to apply?

No. However, we are looking for individuals who are engaged in a spirit of service and want to do their part in making a difference to the world, particularly in their line of expertise or in whichever field of expertise they choose.

At the end of the three years of our training programme, you will be able to take the wisdom you have gained to inspire others to think and perceive the greater picture of life, deriving insight and power from indwelling consciousness.

The full completion of the programme is confirmed through attendance in follow-ups held during the 4th and 5th year, directly connected to the application of the work in your chosen field.

Acceptance into our programme will be based on disposition towards teaching and service upon completion of training.

How am I encouraged to apply the learnings?

In working to understand and transform yourself through Inner Alchemy, you become a living example of the work to those directly around you.

You are encouraged to apply the learnings when you initiate changes to your way of being with wilful awareness - from how you handle your emotions and thoughts to how you perceive the world and understand others.

Where will I stay during the programme? Will food and drink be provided?

You will stay on-site at the school in Mallorca, Spain. During your stay, food and drink will be provided daily with your dietary requirements in mind. Everything is taken care of by us; you are our guests.

What will be the nationality/professions of people attending the course?

Our students come from all professions, ages, and nationalities. We are interested in supporting
people who we feel will take the learning to benefit humanity. This is our gift to them and through
them to the world.

  • Encouraging global impact through individual transformation.
  • Mastery of your emotions, physical body and thoughts with the understanding
    that the work you do on yourself has powerful ripple effects on your wider
  • Moving beyond self-limiting fears, projections, expectations, and breaking
    down walls that create a sense of separation between you and your nature,
    the nature of others and the wider world.
  • Gaining a better understanding of your inner freedom, power, and authenticity
    to consciously shape collective reality.
  • Deepening your connection with who you really are and how you can use this

How does Inner Alchemy transform the world?

Asociación Alquimia Interior España, a not-for-profit Association, offers full scholarships and travel grants to students of the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness, who are in need of financial assistance. 

We kindly request that if you are financially able to contribute, as well as funding your own travel to attend, that you donate towards the cost of attending ZRSOC. If you have any questions about whether this may be appropriate, we will be happy to discuss this with you. As a not-for-profit organisation we accept all donations to support the work of the school.

We are now accepting applicants for our autumn 2024 cohort. To get a full understanding of the programme, download the full prospectus here.

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Matthew’s story

Becoming conscious of how you behave enables you to choose how to connect to others in your personal and professional life.  The principles of Inner Alchemy can help the way you interact with those around you, transforming difficult work situations into more positive, productive and connected experiences for all involved.

Eugenia’s story

Being aware of things that feel wrong or unjust in the wider world beyond ourselves can be a source of pain for many, especially if we feel powerless to change them. Inner Alchemy can reveal your true power, intelligence and the impact you can have, enabling you to be the change you wish to see in the world.

The school is now accepting applicants for Cohort 5

Apply Now

Testimonials from Inner Alchemy students

"As a social and environmental entrepreneur, grasping the interconnectedness between all humans and the natural environment is a fundamental aspect. The school's clear progression and depth of knowledge have broadened my perspective, leading me to a new understanding of what it truly means to be a part of the human family and what it takes to assume full responsibility for our own life which ultimately impacts the entire World."

- Isaac Salm

"I am a psychologist and psychotherapist with an academic background, but for many years I have been searching for the missing link between psychology and spirituality. Zulma's approach, along with her insightful understanding of man's psychic construction as a spiritual being, has given me answers to many questions. We cannot separate the soul from the body, and we should not see personality as the only perspective for understanding the human being. Authenticity is our greatest power and through it the Spirit manifests. It is the most valuable tool to change the world."

- Katarzyna Susz

"I am a senior leader and lawyer of a charitable organisation. I have always meditated and understood and felt the transformative effect of a meditation practice but when I joined Zulma’s school to learn the Inner Alchemy methods of energy mastery and the practice of alignment, I was able to feel love in heart and my mind felt illuminated. I have felt the transformative effects of connecting at a deeper and higher level to my essence and this has benefited both my personal and professional life. My purpose is now clear."

- Heidi Whitfield

"Until studying at the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness my creative expression as an artist was stunted by fears of rejection and criticism. I held the belief that I needed to avoid pain, and this made it difficult for me to embody the creative potential and freedom my heart desired. There is nothing to avoid, or to fear now. I understand and feel the peace and harmony of the interconnectedness of everything. There is no need to strive for perfection, for pleasing others, or meeting their expectations. I can connect with my Higher Self and allow creative expression to flow through me. Through learning energy management, I trust myself to navigate and uncover the gifts and growth available from any emotion or experience. Nothing to fear, nothing to avoid."

- Kate Wilkinson

"I am a psychiatrist and work with adults who have developed a variety of mental health illnesses due to traumatic life experiences. I also trained as a functional medicine practitioner in my quest to find more holistic explanations and interventions to address mental health. In going through Zulma’s programme I have come to appreciate how these conditions are born, carried through and re-experienced when there is a disconnect with the true wholeness of ourselves that belongs to a much greater reality and how love is the only instrument to heal. After 18 years in psychiatry, I am only now learning what true holism is."

- Dr Pratima Singh

"I’ve always believed in the power of business to change the world. And in the power of individuals to change the business world. Completing two years of the inner alchemy program has made me realise that the change must start with ourselves and from within.  Sustainable development must be married with inner development. Gaining a deeper understanding of my own beliefs, patterns and behaviours helps me relate more effectively to others and collaborate on a much deeper level."

- Gib Bulloch

"I am an ecological scientist working in the context of environmental conservation where there is an interdependence and connection of everything in nature, including humanity. When I came across Zulma’s work, I recognised that her teachings are holistic and therefore extremely powerful! Energy and its movement affects everything! Humanity must be more aware of the impacts of our personal thoughts and actions on everything around us. With power comes responsibility! For each one of us!"

- Dr. Christina Sloop

"I am an entrepreneur working in a creative industry which often means I collaborate with a wide variety of personalities. Zulma’s work has been so effective at helping me to manage my own mental, emotional and physical energies, helping me to slice through challenges so much more clearly and decisively. It's as if I have learned to shut off the "noise" and see things so much more clearly and make many more strategic decisions naturally. 

I have also seen a material change in how I manage my team as my consciousness has expanded as a result of Zulma's work; this has helped me to create a team that feels more valued and therefore valuable. This makes ‘work’ more gratifying for us all, but it has also led to much greater productivity. I am astounded at how such small shifts in energy have created profound movements for my business."

- Jennifer Manners

Apply for your place on Cohort 5 today

Apply now

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some answers to the most frequently asked questions about studying at Zulma
Reyo School of Consciousness.

Does the course allow me to continue to work in my current profession?

Absolutely, the course is designed to fit in with your work and family life. However, we do expect
you to commit to:

Year 1: 4 modules of 4 days each and a 15-day intensive retreat.

Year 2: 4 modules of 4 days each and a 15-day intensive retreat.

Year 3: 2 modules of 5 days each and two 10-day intensive retreats spread over the year, with time
to work on specialisation and an oral thesis.

Year 4: Two 10-day intensive retreatsYear 5: Two 10-day intensive retreats.

The commitment called for involves determination to apply and explore new ways of perceiving and
interacting in between modules, applied in daily life.

How will I be supported during the course?

You will have full access and support from the ZRSOC team throughout the programme. Your
progress and development will be supervised by the team throughout your journey. Each person is
assigned to a tutor.

How many people are there in each cohort?

40 on average.

Do I need to have had previous training to apply?

No. However, we are looking for individuals who are engaged in a spirit of service and want to do their part in making a difference to the world, particularly in their line of expertise or in whichever field of expertise they choose.

At the end of the three years of our training programme, you will be able to take the wisdom you have gained to inspire others to think and perceive the greater picture of life, deriving insight and power from indwelling consciousness.

The full completion of the programme is confirmed through attendance in follow-ups held during the 4th and 5th year, directly connected to the application of the work in your chosen field.

Acceptance into our programme will be based on disposition towards teaching and service upon completion of training.

How am I encouraged to apply the learnings?

In working to understand and transform yourself through Inner Alchemy, you become a living example of the work to those directly around you.

You are encouraged to apply the learnings when you initiate changes to your way of being with wilful awareness - from how you handle your emotions and thoughts to how you perceive the world and understand others.

Where will I stay during the programme? Will food and drink be provided?

You will stay on-site at the school in Mallorca, Spain. During your stay, food and drink will be provided daily with your dietary requirements in mind. Everything is taken care of by us; you are our guests.

What will be the nationality/professions of people attending the course?

Our students come from all professions, ages, and nationalities. We are interested in supporting
people who we feel will take the learning to benefit humanity. This is our gift to them and through
them to the world.

Still have questions?

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